Wednesday, March 4, 2015

San Francisco and the Uprecedented Building Permit Backlog

 If you have a new building project (or an existing building project needing modification in mind) that requires the involvement of the San Francisco Planning Department (, make sure that you take into consideration the following essential factors.

The City of San Francisco Planning Department has a current historic backlog of hundred of projects, which means that if you decide to apply for a new building permit and it requires a Planning review, chances are, you are in for a long wait. How long? If the project does not require Preservation ( to determine the impact your project will have on the neighborhood, you probably are in a 6-9 month waiting period (or longer).

... And what if you have neighbors that do not approve of the proposed project you've submitted to the San Francisco Building Department ( Chances are, when Planning finally posts your proposed project in front of the project property for 30 days and notify your neighbors, your neighbors will more than likely be requesting a Discretionary Review (DR).
Anyone can file a DR Application on any building permit, and have that project brought before the Planning Commission for a public hearing and review ( There is a backlog of historical proportions for the Planning review process and there is a backlog of historical proportions as well for the scheduling of Discretionary Review hearings.

The current conditions of the Planning review process are a reality in the present construction landscape of San Francisco.

In addition, there has been an increase in residential single-family building permits in San Francisco, reported in the Federal Reserve Beige Book of March, 4, 2015 (read more:

My advice to you: Don't delay, file your new building permit as soon as you can.

Maryline Linares, Co-Owner (

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