Thursday, November 21, 2013

Did you know?

When you do a Google search of the word "clogged", the first group of words that come up associated with the word "clogged" is "clogged toilet"?! 
That's how common of a plumbing problem it is!
An advice to all of you out there: NEVER place baby wipes in the toilet and then, flush the toilet. 
A few years ago, we had to replace a residential sewer line due to baby wipes being stuffed in the toilet. When you add roots growing in the sewer line over time, you end up with a real mess and an emergency plumbing call! 
And when that happens or no matter what happens with your overall plumbing systems, contact your local plumber, On Shore Construction and Mechanical at 415-259-1133!

Maryline Linares, Co-Owner at On Shore Construction and Mechanical

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