Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Save Money! Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late to Repair or Upgrade your Boiler!

Do you ever wonder why this season (September 20 till December 19) is the prime season for heating contractors?

Because most folks out there have had a boiler that has shown signs of needing repair for months and have delayed all costs (and headaches) associated with having to address boiler issues until something HAS to be done!  At that time, cold temperatures are there and it becomes imperative to fix the problem at best, change the boiler at worst.

Scheduling a visit from a local licensed contractor before it becomes an emergency is always best giving you the peace of mind to choose the right company to do the job.

Maryline Linares, Co-Owner of On Shore Construction and Mechanical

1 comment:

  1. Good artcile, but it would be better if in future you can share more about this subject. Keep posting. Calgary Boilers
